Please click on the logo to visit the website of NIOK partners:

ACTS (Advanced Chemical Technologies for Sustainability)

Calipso BV (LEIS Expertise center and analytical services)

CatchBio (Catalysis for Sustainable Chemicals from Biomass)

C2W (Official journal of Royal Netherlands Chemical Society)

HRSMC (Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry)

NRSCC (National Research School Catalysis Controlled by Chemical Design)

NWO/CW (Division Chemical Sciences, NWO)

KNCV (Royal Netherlands Chemical Society)

KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)

VIRAN (Association of Industrial Advisory Council Members of NIOK)

Other useful websites:
Overview Catalysis Associations
The Dutch Catalysis Society. Sign in here, to become a member of this group
Courses (MS-Office, Programming and other courses) organized by University of Groningen