The HRSMC together with the Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research (NIOK, cooperation between nine Dutch universities) will organize a course for Postdocs, PhD and Master students. This Summer School, with the theme ‘Advanced Metal-Organic Chemistry and Catalysis’, will be held in Hotel and holiday park De Witte Raaf in Noordwijk, The Netherlands on September 30 till October 3, 2022. The main purpose of the course is to inform participants of the latest developments in homogeneous catalysis, organometallic and coordination chemistry.
Organizing committee:
Hotel/ Holiday park De Witte Raaf, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Registration is open! Click here to register or use the button below!
Our sponsors:
The HRSMC/ NIOK are indebted to the following sponsors for valuable support in organizing AMOCC 2022: